Law no. 31/2021 “On the ratification of the partnership, trade and cooperation agreement between the Republic of Albania, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland “.
Law No. 31/2021 is published in the Official Gazette no. 43, dated 18.03.2021, and has entered into force on 03.04.2021.
Given that the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Albania, of the other part, signed in Luxembourg on 12 June 2006, will cease to apply to the United Kingdom, parties have ratified this Agreement which aims to preserve the relations between the parties established by the EU-Albania Agreement.
In particular, the Parties have agreed to maintain preferential terms regarding trade between the Parties under the EU-Albania Agreement and to provide a platform for further liberalization of trade between the Parties. The Parties have established cooperation and a free trade area of goods and accompanying rules, in accordance with this Agreement and affirm the objectives of the EU-Albania Agreement.